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I served District 7 in the Utah House of Representatives for 10 years, 6 of those as a member of Elected Leadership. During that period I sponsored major Legislation including the creation of the Department of Workforce Services which Governor Leavitt stated was, the most significant reorganization of State Government in 40 years. I left politics, except for local non-partisan city endeavors for 20 years, while raising a family. I am seeking another chance to Represent the Citizens of Pleasant View, North Ogden and Northeast Ogden City. Utah’s K-12 education system has been mandated by the Legislature to measure the wrong variables. Standardized testing does not assess problem solving, critical thinking skills, or how we interact with others, all of which are essential to employers. Why is our Education System being mandated by the Legislature to use the wrong criteria to measure success? Utah’s recidivism rate is 90%, meaning 90% of prisoners will return to the system within 10 years. Our “Corrections” system does not “correct” anything nor provide the essential skills necessary to be productive members of society. The only thing we recycle well in Utah is prisoners; who all come out with “a graduate degree in criminal skills” learned from hard core convicts. Please check out my web page, Protzman Campaign or Facebook Page Protzman 2020 to see real facts and ideas, not just partisan political slogans. I will be your voice, not just a partisan echo at the State Legislature. I know how to build bridges, not barricades. To help me achieve these goals please mail or drop off checks with donations to: Protzman Campaign Grant Protzman 3073 N 575 E, Ogden, UT 84414
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