Write-In Candidate Demetress Morris for Milpitas City Council FPPC #1428745

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My name is Demetress Morris and I am a write-in candidate. I would like to be one of your city council members for this upcoming election. My mission has been to demonstrate community engagement, which I have achieved over the past decade or more by focusing on the quality of life issues, land use, city financial, fire, and police services support by the city. I have been Vice-Chair of our Planning Commission, School Site Council, Community Advisory Board for Milpitas Unified School District, and Milpitas Executive Lion Club to mention a few. My greatest pleasure has been to work with and collaborate with one of our oldest communities here in Milpitas Sunnyhills. I have earned a BS in Applied Management (GCU) and MS (GCU) in Leadership my commitment continues to be centered on community organizing. I am dedicated to improving environmental issues, equity, community engagement, maintaining the Milpitas legacy, and creating a safe place for your voices to be heard. I am an independent, deeply concerned about our city’s growth and its ability to sustain itself on its current path. Therefore, I will accept nothing less than transparency, accountability, and balance in actions that impact our community.

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I like to thank you for being part of the change we're seeking to bring about in Milpitas as it pertains to leadership. With your engagement and support victory will be ours........