Rick Haskins for Mayor

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**Please note: Campaign Finance Law limits contributions to $1,000 per person or entity. The residents of Key West deserve representation within their city government. Rick Haskins is committed to running for mayor with a clear-eyed vision for reviving a community where people can afford to live, afford to rent, and love to vacation. Rick wants to bring his leadership to Key West in order to revitalize the local industries while taking pride in what it means to be a Conch. Rick Haskins exceedingly rises to the occasion to be a public servant. As a Cryptologic Technician and Construction Mechanic, Rick Haskins joined the US Navy right out of high school with the delayed entry program and served 9 years before exiting as a Petty Officer Second Class. His service included activation with the military response to Hurricane Andrew and included the honor of serving at the White House as a driver with the Presidential Inauguration Committee in 1992 and 1993. In 2018, Haskins rushed to the aid of workers in the Florida Panhandle on Mexico Beach after Hurricane Michael and spent 5 days cutting trees and clearing homes. Haskins has countless hours working with the Key West Wildlife Center where visitors today can still see the wood placards labeling the trees that Rick Haskins assembled for his Eagle Scouts project 30 years ago. Rick Haskins can claim that he has Key West in his blood. Henry Haskins, the uncle of Rick, was appointed as Monroe County Sheriff 1963-1965 and then as the chair of the Key West Public Housing Authority for 35 years and is the namesake for the Senior Citizen’s Plaza. Henry imbued the department with a vision of public housing that was manicured and a point of pride. Rick is determined to restore that feeling to public and affordable housing. Regardless of the outcome in the election, Haskins is committed to action the same way that Henry would have many years ago. On 18 August he hopes to count on your support during the primary election when you choose who you believe will best serve the community of Key West.

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It’s easy to run when things are easy. But now that times are tough, Rick Haskins has the leadership to move Key West forward. When you can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel, Rick Haskins will find it. Join us by putting up a sign, making phone calls, and remember to vote in the primary on August 18th.