Campaign to re-elect Darlene Dunmeyer-Roberson

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As your school board member, I am deeply committed to ensuring the best possible education for our children. I believe that our schools deserve strong, experienced leadership. Over the past year and a half, we have made great strides in improving our schools. We have increased graduation rates, improved test scores and implemented innovative programs to meet the needs of all students. However, there is still work to be done. With your support, I will continue to advocate for policies that benefit our students, teachers, and schools. I will continue to work to ensure that every child has access to a high-quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our children and the future of our community. Thank you for your support.

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Thank you so much for your donation! I sincerely appreciate your support. Please share with your family, friends and co-workers and ask them to join you in supporting my re-election to the Charleston County School District, Board of Trustees.

I am committed to ensuring that every child in our rural communities and Charleston County has access to quality education. Together, we can strengthen our schools, support our teachers, and provide our students with the tools they need to succeed. Let's continue to work together to build a brighter future for ALL children.