Sema Hadithi - Your one-time gift of $100

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Sema Hadithi means "Tell the Story"

Our mission is to share the story of African American culture and history in Utah. We are part of the African Diaspora, and it is widely spread, as is our story.

General Information

Sema Hadithi is solely dedicated to the education of, and cultural preservation for, the history and culture of people of the African diaspora in Utah, the United States, the Caribbean, and the world.

Why Your Gift is Important

Your gift to Sema Hadithi will help Sema pay administrative and purchase cost for things like technology access and equipment, to supplies, to services. These costs help us 'tell the story' and change the narrative of African American history.

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Thank you for your generous gift to Sema Hadithi. Your donation will help Sema pay administrative and purchase cost for things like technology access and equipment, to supplies, to services. These costs help us 'tell the story' and change the narrative of African American history.

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Help Sema Hadithi to tell the story;

Robert Burch, Director

Sema Hadithi

PO Box 701722, West Valley City, UT 84070

Facebook @SemaHadithi