Shanelle For The 12th

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While serving as a State Representative for six years I passed laws that helped Metro Detroit’s middle class. Public service is my life’s calling, so when I left the legislature I went to serve at MDOT. At MDOT I brought everyday people together from all walks of life to create a plan that fixes our crumbling roads and grows public transit from Detroit to Romulus. As a Businesswoman, I lead the charge at my company to put more than 3000 people from across Metro Detroit to work in good paying jobs. No matter where I’ve served, I’ve always fought hard to improve the lives of middle class families and by God’s grace I’ve succeeded every time. I’ll fight even harder for us in Congress!

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Paid For By Shanelle For The 12th

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I’m so grateful for your support! Together We Will Win!!

Thanks & God Bless,
