Spruance for State Senate - District 24

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My name is Lori Spruance and I’m running to represent you in Utah’s State Senate District 24.

I’m a professor of public health at Brigham Young University and have lived in Provo for almost a decade. My husband, Clint, and dog, Beaux, are my life. When I’m not in the classroom, I’m mountain biking, hiking, working on home renovations, or serving in my church.

My experience advocating for children to ensure they are receiving enough physical activity and food during the school day has allowed me to help legislators draft policies that promote healthy families and healthy communities. This is just one of my priorities on the campaign trail.

I welcome the opportunity to speak with you further about myself, the campaign, and my priorities.

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Paid for by Friends of Lori Spruance

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Thank you for your donation. Please feel free to share this link with your family and friends to help us win the election in November!