Steve Bergstrom for Wake County Schools District 8

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I'm a dedicated husband and father to four kids, three of whom attend Wake County Public Schools. I had no intention of running for any political office until recently. However, like many of you I have become concerned with the level of education and lack of focus on academics in our public education system, especially here in Wake County. Please visit my website to learn more about my platform if that changes I will bring to the Wake County school system. Also, please feel free to share that information and get other District 8 families out to vote this year! I know I can be the public servant that District 8 families deserve. Thanks for your support!! Steve Bergstrom

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Thank you so much for your generous contribution! I know that today, when budgets are tight, it's a sacrifice to donate. So I appreciate your help. I promise to work extremely hard to bring positive change and leadership to Wake County and be the public servant that District 8 families deserve. Please reach out to me anytime via FB, Twitter, or email to voice your concerns about our school system, and definitely spread the word to other District 8 families! I look forward to working with you. Respectfully, Steve Bergstrom