Support the election of an Independent Board Member that will answer to you.

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Who pays attention to the operation of a Sewer District? Well, I have been. This is my third time on the ballot. And this will only be the third time a choice has appeared on your municipal ballot. Usually, only the incumbents run again. If no one challenges them, they are elected by default, and you don't see them on a ballot. This happened in 2015 and 2017. Before 2013, the district ran its elections in-house.

I desire to bring civic attention to the operation of our South Valley Sewer District. Trustees make decisions on budget, capital projects, tax rates, and general operations of the district.

I will bring the perspective of a citizen to the five-member board. Being one of five, I cannot promise great reforms. Since there is so little community interest, it is easy for all members of the board to make decisions that are easy for them, and not necessarily the best for the district. 

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Thank you for your contribution to the Campaign to Elect Steve Van Maren to the South Valley Sewer District Board of Trustees. Your support is greatly appreciated.

If you haven't, please consider hosting a yard sign to show your neighbors that you support an independent Trustee. Additional community visibility will improve voter turnout, and that is very needed in this race.