Suzanne's Missions Training Fund

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Oh hey, I'm so excited you're here!

God has been calling me to become a missionary for a while now and I'm so excited to finally start the journey. While this will be a long road I'm nervous but also excited to begin training for the mission field. While my faithfulness has led me to this new road I'm so thankful for your faithfulness to support me along the way!

Thank you for your obedience to God's call. We're all a part of His great mission. I can't wait for us to get started!

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You will be charged immediately, and then on the same day each subsequent month. You can cancel your monthly donation at any time.

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Thank you ! Do you know more people that will support our cause?

Snowball your impact by helping us reach your network. Can you take the next step and share with friends and family to help reach the goal?

Thank you SO much for your donation!

If you aren't already I'll add you to my newsletter so you can stay up to date on this awesome journey.

I can't wait to get started and your financial donation will not only get me closer to my goal but also get the Church moving to the unreached!

"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Matthew 6:20-21