Support Shalira Taylor

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Taylor is running because, far too long our residents have suffered with poverty, crime, crumbling infrastructure, a failing educational system and corrupt politicians robbing our state from within. It's time for a change, It's time to Clean up Ohio for a brighter future. Shalira is that forward thinking candidate that can help move Ohio and its residents forward while keeping the traditions that molded us into the state we love. 

Born at St Luke's Hospital to Cleveland natives and raised in Ohio, Shalira is the proud daughter of a nurse and serviceman. Since 2015 Taylor has been involved with local, state & federal government providing a voice to officials on behave of her community. She's an organizer, small business owner and community leader, Taylor has dedicated her career to investing in people and her community. Now is the time for new leadership now is the time to support Shalira Taylor.


Paid to: Friends of Shalira L Taylor

9618 Orleans Ave.

Cleveland, OH 44105

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Paid for by: Friends Of Shalira L Taylor

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