Support John Ronquillo for Aurora City Council

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John Ronquillo understands the opportunity that Aurora holds for so many because he’s lived it. John grew up in a working-class household, earned his way to college, and eventually earned a doctorate. A Latino LGBTQ+ educator, husband, and dad, John understands the intersectionality of Aurora, believes it’s time for Aurora to put people and progress first, not just politics. John will help us build an Aurora that everyone is proud to call home.

John’s plan is simple: talk to voters about the issues they care about. John’s focus on issues that unify Aurorans – real solutions to housing and affordability, ensuring investments in economic opportunities, neighborhoods where all of us feel safe – will help activate Democratic voters while ensuring more moderate voters understand that what John cares about are solutions.

Contributions will be made to John Ronquillo for Aurora, a candidate committee to support and elect John Ronquillo to the Aurora City Council. Under the City of Aurora campaign finance ordinance, contributions to at-large candidates from individuals, political committees, and non-municipal political organizations are limited to $1,000 per election cycle. Small donor committees may contribute up to $10,000. Contributions from candidate, recall, issue, or independent expenditure committees are prohibited, as are those from corporations, unions, foreign governments, and non-U.S. citizens. Political campaign contributions are not tax-deductible.

If you are unable to make a contribution today, there are other ways to help the campaign. Sign up to volunteer here:

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Thank you for your generous contribution. Our campaign will be able to reach more voters with your support.