Though entering RPI as an Aeronautical Engineering Major, the question that had been asked of me high school graduation week pushed me in a different direction, away from military systems design, into more humanitarian endeavors modeling my high school creed of “Goodness with Knowledge” and pursuit of the broadest, most grounded field of Medicine.
For 18 years in Idaho, I provided full-scope Family Medicine, navigating corporate takeovers and prioritizing patients over profit, living up to my school motto, “Non Sibi”. Finally, transitioning to hospice in 2010, I became the first hospice physician in the region to visit the majority of my patients until my retirement from Medicine in 2021.
Life's joys, heartbreaks, and challenges have molded me, from building a strawbale house in Melba to the losses of two wives to cancer. Now, with Linnae Grabner by my side, I seek new challenges and purpose in life, a new chapter dedicated to influencing/affecting the actions of our Idaho Legislature.
My focus is on body autonomy, robust healthcare, credible maternity care, a vibrant public education system, and environmental stewardship. Education, the bedrock of my life, demands advocacy.
Join me in this endeavor to shape a future where the values of compassion, knowledge, community, and environmental responsibility drive our legislative decisions. With your support, let's build a healthier, more informed, and sustainable Idaho.
Jon Chu M.D.
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