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OUR MISSION ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ★ ★ ★ THE PEOPLE’S PATRIOT PROJECT’S MISSION is to honor and empower those who have served. This is tightly knit to OUR VISION, which is to provide a community and network of support, with the necessary tools, insights and resources to aid in the rehabilitation as former service members and civil servants to go through a recovery process and transition into real World opportunities and situations. We want to help provide more fulfilling life memories and experiences by providing resources and facilities that will show an appreciation for the sacrifices and service these members have already provided to OUR community and country. These experiences will be financed with donations and fundraisers and will be available to *any and all military and civil servants, and PATRIOTS, in good favor. The joy of OUR efforts will be in adding to their memories and experiences as they have sacrificed their livelihood to promote the life securities and freedoms we all get to share in, in this country. OUR PURPOSE ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ★ ★ ★ WE are all collective stakeholders in what successes and failures OUR society endures. WE have all benefited from the successes and the losses of the people who have served this country. The solutions WE create for this community of heroes in our local demographic, and hopefully America in the near future, will go beyond a short-term charity for a few. When Providence Farms/THE PEOPLE’S PATRIOT PROJECT reaches out to support this Civil Servant Community, it is with your help. WE will create an infrastructure of support that reaches past this Community we want to serve. These are members of an elite group of servants that also live among all of us in OUR communities. So when WE rehabilitate one of these members… that RESPECT will trickle into every part of our society.

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Snowball your impact by helping us reach your network. Can you take the next step and share with friends and family to help reach the goal?

THANK YOU so much for being part of something bigger then both you and I. WE appreciate your amazing gift and I hope there is a comfort in you knowing WE take seriously the opportunity to be a steward of your finances and that it is going to a place that will make the most difference in the lives of those who have already given so much. THANK YOU again PATRIOT PRIDE