Elect Steven Person for Justice of the Peace

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I come from humble beginnings. My mother was a teacher and my father was a soldier. I benefit from their sacrifices even today. And while I was fortunate to have a support system in an environment conducive for growth, my upbringing allowed me to experience life where I could see a spectrum of socioeconomic levels across Pulaski County. 

As a native son of Pulaski County, I have seen growth that has changed the area of my childhood home from a remote part of West Pulaski County to a solidified suburb of central Little Rock. However, I have also witnessed neglect in other areas of our community. Through this lens, I can see what Pulaski County is and what it can be.

This vision for change starts with the anchor of our future, our youth!

I can't do this alone. I will need your help. Will you join me on this journey?

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Paid for by the Committee to Elect Steven Person

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Thank you very much for your contribution! You are helping this journey of making sure all of our children have the skills for success and making Pulaski County the best we can be!