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I love Charleston. I was born and raised here, and I want my children to enjoy the same sense of community that I did.
I believe in protecting the fundamentals of Charleston—our cultural and coastal resources—that keep people like me here and that attract dozens of new residents daily. Doing so requires creative thinking, hard work, and a willingness to listen, and I believe that I will bring these skills to Charleston City Council.
The next four years will present serious challenges for Charleston as it confronts rising sea levels and increasing population. These changes are inevitable. I have called West Ashley my home for my entire life, and I am running for City Council because I want to be in a position to ensure that West Ashley specifically retains its character and charm as it looks to the future. As we grapple with the development of the Sam Rittenberg business corridor or more affordable housing, we must emphasize the elements that make West Ashley accessible and familiar.
I look forward to working with you over the next four years.
Thank you,
William Tinkler
Checks can be issued and mailed to: Tinkler for West Ashley, PO Box 31813, Charleston, SC 29417.
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