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Rachel Carson warned of a Silent Spring, a sterile quiet without birdsong, a pending loss caused by pesticide use. Eagles, condors, ospreys all came back as a result of major changes ignited by storytelling. Today, different human-caused problems threaten land and sea environments everywhere. Problems like global warming, ocean acidification, and public lands mismanagement, which often persist because people are unaware or uninspired. There is nothing like story to create awareness and understanding, empathy, and passion. And there is nothing like a book to tell a good story. Books are personal. Books are interactive. Books are demanding. And books are still important catalysts of change. The land, the environment, and our culture need transformative books now more than ever.


Today, no other nonprofit literary press has a dedicated focus on conservation via both fiction and literary nonfiction. It takes a village to do conservation, and Torrey House Press books, workshops, conferences, and events invigorate the literary ecosystem necessary to create, support, and sustain the village.


Become a Friend of THP today by donating to Torrey House Press or signing up for a subscription to receive a year of THP titles. Torrey House Press is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Contributions are tax-deductible and processed online by FundHero or by check payable to:

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150 S. State Street
Ste. 100 Ofc. 36
Salt Lake City, UT 84111

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Thank you for donating to Torrey House Press and elevating new voices for the land! Your gift directly supports the THP mission of inspiring conversation on literature and landscape, and will help THP publish diverse stories and innovate more ways to give authors a platform to inspire, comfort, and build community. Thank you for being part of the THP family. With gratitude, Kirsten Johanna Allen Kathleen Metcalf Anne Terashima Michelle Wentling Rachel Buck-Cockayne