Utah's Black History Museum and Bus

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Utah's Black History Museum is committed to promote the understanding, appreciation, and advancement of the Black experience in Utah through programming, exhibits, and activities that teach local and national Black history and celebrate the culture of the African Diaspora in the United States.

Utah's Black History Museum’s gigantic museum on wheels features informative and inspiring traveling exhibits highlighting both local and national Black history. It is time for Utah’s students, citizens, and visitors to learn Black history — real Black history. 


With our state’s population growing in diversity, Utahns are in need of more equitable representation amongst their organizations, especially in the form of educational institutions. While the state continues to celebrate its pioneer heritage with enthusiasm, these celebrations do not fully represent all members of both our historical and modern community. 


The Utah Black History Museum is here to offer a non-discriminatory and more complete history of our citizens. We are here to represent the underrepresented in our school curriculums and community organizations who have been overlooked for centuries. We tell the stories of Black frontiersmen, writers, musicians, leaders, and many more whose history has, until now, been rarely heard.  


During the pandemic, with limitations on social activities, our natural-gas-powered museum also offers a completely innovative and accessible outdoor or indoor learning experience. With children’s limited field trip options, the UBHM bus has the unique ability to bring field trips to the students! The beautifully painted bus, provides individuals of all ages a museum experience they will never forget. 


We hope you will accept our invitation to support the Utah Black History Museum so we can (literally!) hit the road and accept the many invitations we’ve received to share our developing exhibit. Thank you!

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