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2025 Membership

The goal of Utah Donor Collaborative’s membership levels is to inspire generosity, ensure flexible and adaptable funding, and invite more people to join our coalition. 

Benefits of your Membership

Utah Donor Collaborative members move beyond traditional political giving to a more leveraged approach that builds systemic change over the long term. Benefits to being a member include:

  • Leverage your donations by giving collectively with other donors.
  • Build community by connecting with fellow donors, activists, nonprofit professionals, and electeds.
  • Understand how your giving is creating an impact through our evaluation and accountability.
  • Strategically deploy funds utilizing research and data.
  • Access national experts and resources.
  • Gain a system perspective and fund system-level solutions.
  • Support Utah – transform your local community through statewide engagement.

To deliver impact, we need:

  • Flexibility to move money where it is most needed.
  • Sustainability to make multiyear commitments to our partners and lead long-term strategies.
  • Engagement from a diverse group of Utahns (and beyond).

Membership Levels

Passionate Political Junkie - $2,500+

Join the Utah Donor Collaborative for $2,500 annually for a minimum commitment of two years. Your generous donation sustains UDC and funds our strategic priorities.

Intrepid Investors - $10,000+

For a commitment of $10,000 or more a year, we welcome you to direct up to 35% of your annual donation toward our strategic priorities. We encourage multiyear commitments to ensure sustained funding. 

Fabulous Founders - $25,000+

For a commitment of $25,000 or more a year, we welcome you to direct up to 40% of your annual donation toward our strategic priorities. We encourage multiyear commitments to ensure sustained funding. 

Courageous Change Makers - $100,000+

For a commitment of $100,000 or more a year, we welcome you to direct up to 50% of your annual donation toward our strategic priorities. We encourage multiyear commitments, to ensure sustained funding. 

Angel Advocates - $250,000+

For a commitment of $250,000 or more a year, we welcome you to direct up to 75% of your annual donation toward our strategic priorities. We encourage multiyear commitments, to ensure sustained funding. 

Interested in learning more about us?

We invite you to a one-year trial membership to the Utah Donor Collaborative, $100/month or $1,200 one-time. If you are inspired to continue, we invite you to join us at one of our membership levels. Your generous donation sustains UDC and funds our strategic priorities.

How to contribute by check:

Utah Donor Collaborative
℅ Blueprint Public Affairs
PO Box 522340
Salt Lake City, UT 84152

Choose an amount:

Make it monthly!

Multiply your impact, please consider making a monthly contribution to 2025 Membership.

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Contribution Disclaimer:

The Utah Donor Collaborative is a 501c(4) organization and contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.