Millie Segura Bahr for Bountiful City Council

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I am happy to announce that I am running for City Council in Bountiful. This election isn’t about the next four years; it’s about preparing for the next forty. My first job after college was with President George W. Bush’s re-election campaign, which led to a position in the White House. I was later tapped to be a junior staffer in the West Wing, then finished my White House career as a Deputy to First Lady, Laura Bush. I have managed million-dollar budgets, with large organizations, in both the public and private sector. I do not take the stewardship of managing tax dollars lightly and would do so with measured judgement. Moreover, I have learned that in large organizations, certain processes must be in place for success to be achieved. My background is varied, but the common denominators are my ability to lead, communicate and work with volunteers. My experiences have taught me, we are stronger when we are together. My husband, Dr. Christian Bahr, was born and raised in Bountiful and convinced me it was the best place to raise our family. I’m glad I listened because after living here for almost 10 years, Bountiful has become my home. After moving to Bountiful, I worked as the Executive Director of Utah’s chapter of the American Cancer Society and later for Primary Children’s Medical Center Foundation, where I focused on communications and annual giving. I currently serve on the Community Council at my children’s elementary school. As a Councilwoman, I would promote a successful team effort to make this an even better community. With three young children still at home, I’m fully invested in Bountiful. My job is to represent YOU and take YOUR opinions and YOUR concerns to every meeting I attend. I am ready to listen, work, and be an advocate for YOU! I hope to earn your vote.

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Thank you for your contribution and confidence in me as a candidate. I look forward to serving you as a member of Bountiful's City Council.