Dennis Faris for Salt Lake City Council District 2

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Dennis Faris is running for election to the Salt Lake City Council! After being appointed to serve District 2, Dennis is thrilled at the privilege to serve his community.

District 2 has been Dennis' home for the last 18 years, serving as the Board Chair of the Poplar Grove Community Council, as well as Chair of the SLC Parks, Natural Lands, Urban Forestry & Trails Board, and the Salt Lake Community Network, as well as a Board member of Bike Utah and the River District Business Alliance. Community engagement is key to the success of any elected official, and Dennis is commited to further engaging all of his constituents as their representative.

Dennis is focused on addressing the critical issues facing District 2, like infrastructure, public safety, affordable housing, and the environment.

Dennis is so excited to continue to work for you, but we can not do it alone. Thank you for your support, and make sure to connect with Dennis throughout the campaign!

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Thank you for donating to Dennis Faris for Salt Lake City Council! Your contribution is an investment in the future of District 2, and Dennis is so thrilled for the opportunity to continue to serve you in the Salt Lake City Council. Feel free to share you have supported Dennis, and please invite your friends to contribute as well!