Catherine Voutaz for Office

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For the last 20 years we have witnessed extraordinary growth, particularly in and around Herriman. My family is directly impacted by increased housing costs, increasing costs for higher education, traffic congestion, poor air quality and mental health, having lost our son Chandler to suicide in June 2017.

I'll put in the time and effort to make a difference for our community. Your issues are my issues. Your concerns are my concerns.

I’m a Utahn, your neighbor, and with your support, our Senator in the Utah Legislature.

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Your contribution is funding the Catherine Voutaz for Office Campaign in Utah Senate District 18. All contributions will be used to finance campaign expenses and will be disclosed on the Utah State Disclosure Website.

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Thank you for your donation to my campaign. Your campaign contribution helps offset the costs of running this campaign and your contribution helps our community make progress for a better tomorrow by serving the needs of all Utahns.