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I am running for state senate in the 40th District because it's time for the district's senator to represent the values of its constituents. For decades Illinois has been entangled in Chicago style politics with its corrupt politicians employing ‘pay to play’ tactics to advance their political careers. Their mismanagement of state government has caused Illinoisans to suffer under the highest property taxes in the country, failing schools, ballooning budgets, crippling business growth, and opportunity prompting many to leave the state. Therefore, it's time for the residence of the 40th district to R.I.S.E. for a New Beginning, a new start. Its time to respond the same way the inhabitants of Jerusalem responded to Nehemiah’s call to rebuild its walls. They said in unison, “Let us rise up and build” (Nehemiah 2:18 ESV). And, just as they united to bring transformation in their day, it will take all of us to fight against the moral and spiritual culture of corruption to rebuild our State and District. (“A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board’s official website ( ) or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.”)

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Thank you for your contribution to my campaign. I greatly appreciate your confidence in me and promise to work diligently towards Victory in November. My campaign will be focused on Responsible Government, Individual Liberty & Fidelity, Strong Family Values, & Economic Government. These principles will form my platform to RISE & build a new Illinois. With supporters like you, I will have the necessary resources to run a strong campaign and win the election. I hope to see you on the campaign trail and will stay in touch on the status of our race. . With sincere appreciation, Eric Wallace P.S. Please Share our website and campaign with your friends & colleagues.