I never imagined myself as a political candidate. I grew up thinking of politics as something that was all about conflict that tore families apart. In fact, it wasn't until recently that I realized that I actually had strong political opinions and that I can act upon my beliefs to help make the world a better place. 1. I believe our education system should be treated as a priority. It prepares the future of our children, our state, and our economy. This means that: -Class sizes need to be reduced in order to provide students the quality education that is expected of our teachers. -Teachers salaries need to be increased. Too many good teachers are leaving the state and the profession as they can find better paying jobs elsewhere. -As schools use government-issued funds, they do need to be held accountable. However, the degree to which they are held accountable should be reduced. Legislators should treat educators as colleagues when working on education, not as subordinates. -Having taught in public education for 16 years, I am intimately aware of how the choices of the legislature are impacting our classrooms and our children. We sent an expert on infrastructure to the legislature when I-15 needed to be improved. Now isn’t it time to send an educator to the legislature to help improve Utah’s education system? 2. I believe in the sanctity of life, regardless of age, race, socio-economic status, gender, and sexual orientation. This means that: -I am pro-life, but also pro-compassion for those who have reason to feel pro-choice. Education is a key factor in both the prevention and destigmatization of unwanted pregnancies. #BlackLivesMatter -Taxes on essentials such as groceries and gasoline should be kept low for the poorest and most vulnerable of our society. -Men and women are inherently different, but complement one other in powerful ways. The same work should receive the same pay. The same positions in work and government should receive the same respect. -Members of the LGBTQ+ community deserve the same rights and respect as the rest of society. 3. I believe government should serve the people, not the other way around. This means that: -Gerrymandering must to come to an end. -Campaign funding should be capped in order to level the playing field for all candidates and to keep big money from controlling the vote of our politicians. -Ranked-choice voting should be employed in our election process in order for the voice of the people to be heard with greater accuracy, to give more people courage to run for office, and to allow voters to vote their conscience. -Term limits ought to be put in place for all politicians. Career politicians have a tendency of feeling too comfortable in their positions and don’t always listen to their constituents. If elected, I plan on serving no more than four terms (eight years) in order to make way for others with new and better ideas. -Taxes are an essential part of government. However, rather than increasing taxes, these funds should be reallocated to best serve the needs of ALL the people who pay them. I also believe in listening to people with empathy, and working together with civility to find win-win solutions for the best interests of everyone. If you are interesting in learning more about what I believe and what I stand for, please check out: my website: www.waltersfor56.org my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/katewaltersfor56 my Twitter feed: @56Walters the United Utah Party platform www.unitedutah.org/platform If you have questions, comments, concerns, or really good (clean) jokes, please email me at waltersfor56@gmail.com. Thank you in advance. I look forward to working with you as we work to make change together! Kate Walters, House District 56, United Utah Party.
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