Wendy for Bella Vista

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My family watched the Bella Vista City Council meetings during the 2020 year. Month after month, we saw a panel of representatives that didn't represent our family, or the growing population of Bella Vista. Bella Vista's demographics are changing, and it's time to have a representatives that reflect that.

I believe that Bella Vista is an incredible place to live, and that if we work together as a community, we can build a better village for generations to come. I want to help guide Bella Vista's growth through responsible, reasonable business growth while also preserving and enhancing the natural beauty of our town.

I want a better Bella Vista...and I need your help to make it happen.

Contribution Disclaimer:

All contributions provided will help fund the Wendy Hughes for Bella Vista political campaign. Funds will be used to purchase materials, advertising, and offset other campaign related expenses.

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You will be charged immediately, and then on the same day each subsequent month. You can cancel your monthly donation at any time.

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