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I am Jada Brady and I am running as a Write In Candidate for State Representative 73rd District. Running as a Write In Candidate means that I'm giving the community another choice. It means that I have the grit that it will take to Represent the 73rd District. Most importantly it means that I will be The Community Choice. I've lived in Winchester, KY since I was 12 years old. I saw my fellow classmates from George Rogers Clark High School pick up and move to other communities. Each one stating there wasn't enough opportunities here. After graduating from The University of the Cumberlands with a Bachelor's in Business, I came back. I moved back to a community that I love. It's time that Fresh Faces with new ideas stand up for the 73rd District. The entire community deserves a person to fight for Business Development, Protection of our Agriculture, and our Children. Financially Supporting this campaign is a allowing me to Represent the 73rd District as The Community Choice.

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Thank you so much for your Donation. Would you consider sharing with your friends how much you believe in this? Each dollar that is donated allow the campaign to reach more people in the 73rd District. Thank you for your support and Remember Write In BRADY under State Representative 73rd District.